A new natural PPAR alpha agonist: application to the management of atopic dermatitis
Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is associated with skin barrier disruption resulting from major lipids metabolism dysfunctions. Dermo-corticosteroids (DC) are used for AD flares but have potential side effects. PPAR-α (peroxysome-proliferative-activated receptors) are transcription factors involved in the regulation of epidermal homeostasis (differentiation, proliferation, inflammation…). A new emollient, containing a patented sunflower oleodistillate (SO), has been […]
New natural PPAR-• agonist for childhood atopic dermatitis: Dermocorticoid-sparing and quality of life improvement
New natural PPAR-a agonist for childhood atopic dermatitis: Dermocorticoid- sparing and quality of life improvement
Hygiene program for children with atopic dermatitis
Objectives: During atopic dermatitis (AD), all washing products must preserve the mechanical and biologic skin barrier function, soothe the skin, and even improve other skin cares. For that purpose, a cosmetic baby product hygiene line dedicated to atopic skin has been developed. All three products are perfume and paraben free. They all contain mild vegetal […]
New therapeutic antiinflammatory action of a natural PPAR-alfa agonist emollient versus topical steroids in atopic dermatitis
Objectives: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic dermatosis requiring permanent skin care. This goal can be achieved by emollients, often in conjunction with topical steroids if needed. In a previous study, an emollient containing a natural patented active ingredient (2% sunflower oleodistillate [SOD]) has demonstrated a 75% corticosteroid sparing effect (steroid class II, desonide 0.05%). […]
New emollient with topical corticosteroid-sparing effect in treatment of childhood atopic dermatitis: SCORAD and quality of life improvement.
Emollients are commonly used for their effectiveness on atopic skin, supported by a few clinical studies suggesting their potential role as corticosteroid sparing agents. We investigated the effect of a new natural emollient on corticosteroid sparing and quality of life of young atopic children and their family. Eighty-six patients (4-48 mos) with moderate atopic dermatitis […]
New therapeutic anti-inflammatory action of an emollient vs topical steroids in Atopic Dermatitis
Natural peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonist cream demonstrates similar therapeutic response to topical steroids in atopic dermatitis
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) requires permanent skin care. Objective: A cream containing 2% SO (sunflower oleodistillate), with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α) agonist properties, has been compared to a topical steroid (hydrocortisone butyro-propionate 1 mg/g). Methods: An open, randomized study included two groups of 40 children (aged 3 months to 4 years). Group A applied the […]