A new and innovative emollient with Cu-Zn-Mn triad for irritant and allergic dermatitis
- Dermite irritative
Introduction: Irritant, allergic contact dermatitis (ICD, ACD), and atopic dermatitis (AD), beside therapeutic prescriptions, need a specific cosmetic management with emollient, antiirritant, antimicrobial, and healing products. A new emulsion for ICD and ACD with no antiseptic, no common preservative, no perfume, and no colorant has been developed. It contains the first oligo-element triad (Cu-Zn-Mn), phytosphingosines, […]
Irritant, allergic contact dermatitis (ICD, ACD), and atopic dermatitis (AD), beside therapeutic prescriptions, need a specific cosmetic management with emollient, antiirritant, antimicrobial, and healing products.
A new emulsion for ICD and ACD with no antiseptic, no common preservative, no perfume, and no colorant has been developed.
It contains the first oligo-element triad (Cu-Zn-Mn), phytosphingosines, a glycerol/capryl glycol complex and dimethyl oxobenzo dioxasilane. First, we investigated the in vitro effect of [Cu-Zn-Mn] triad on the skin repair improvement.
Then, the clinical efficacy and tolerance of the new emulsion have been performed.
After treatment of fibroblasts or keratinocytes with [Cu-Zn-Mn] triad, we examined cell migration and proliferation by the scratch-assay and we evaluated the markers of keratinocytes proliferation (b1-integrin), differentiation (involucrin) and dermaleepidermal junction (b4-integrin) using ELISA. Clinical efficacy of the emulsion has been tested on 139 patients with 67% of children.
They were affected by various pathologies: irritation from external origin; AD and ACD and superficial cutaneous alterations. The tested product was applied twice daily for 10 days.
In vitro, we have shown that the [Cu-Zn-Mn] triad acted at different levels of the skin in order to enhance wound healing by promoting re-epithelialisation, reinforcing dermal-epidermal junction and improving dermal wound recovery.
Moreover, in clinical study, overall, the product was efficient on 81% of the patients and the following improvements were reported: pain 83%, irritancy 91%, discomfort 90%, pruritus 88%, erythema 88%, dryness 89%, acceleration of healing time 77%, and cicatricial aspect 78%. The comparison of the 3 groups revealed firstly that the Cu-Zn-Mn triad was efficient for all the dermatological conditions tested, and secondly that this product is totally adapted for children: irritant dermatitis (82%), eczemas (83%), and other cutaneous alterations (91%).
A new Cu-Zn-Mn emollient has been developed for various irritant, allergic and traumatic dermatitis and give excellent results for adults and children. It was the first time that we could demonstrate that the Mn addition to the Cu-Zn complex stimulates the epidermal regeneration and restores skin barrier function.